My Yellow Room
“Great design taps into the psyche of people, elevating their experience, thinking and sensing within their interiors, with the express intention of positively impacting their quality of life – at work, home or play.”
~ Kim Williams ~

In My Yellow Room, Kim weaves both written and visual storytelling to inspire others through the lens of her life as a creative behavioural strategist. She uses her inspiring personal story, business experience and design prowess to help function better and discover how to use this knowledge to improve their quality of life and manage their mindset.
This book helps people understand the basic principles of how a space affects their wellbeing, mindset, and energy – that small things make a big difference – and how they can be freed from limitations. Kim also reveals her top design secrets and beautiful imagery, intertwined harmoniously into her personal story as a young physically disabled child who dreamed big in a yellow bedroom. Kim inspires others with her perspective of the world, of people’s behaviour and the spaces we live in.


The Last Sunset
The sun is faithful and returns the next day to greet us. Sometimes there in its full glory and other times hidden by the clouds, however the sun is always there reminding us to journey onwards.

I have always taught my son the most important thing to do in life is to keep moving forward. There is nothing you can do

The constant pursuit of happiness
The daily decision to choose happiness comes with its own set of challenges. It is easy to be swept away by the events of the

The mermaid who nearly drowned
It was a strange morning. It was very overcast and the surf was much bigger than usual. I felt something was off. I had been

There are moments in life and then there are moments. Moments that you dare to believe will come around. Moments that take your breath away.

Winds of Change
The wind is back in Bloubergstrand promising the return of summer. It gets very gusty this time of the year bringing back the kite surfers

Close the Door
When you sell yourself short, other people can sense it and treat you that way. When you act like you need work, other people sense

Kim’s Angels
Interior design is my escape. I move into the world in my head and it’s a beautiful place filled with possibilities and beauty. In this